The 10 talents of current successful entrepreneurs are:
- Business Focus: You make decisions based on observed or anticipated effect on profit.
- Confidence: You accurately know yourself and understand others.
- Creative Thinker: You exhibit creativity in taking an existing idea or product and turning it into something better.
- Delegator: You recognize that you cannot do everything and are willing to contemplate a shift in style and control.
- Determination: You persevere through difficult, even seemingly insurmountable, obstacles.
- Independent: You are prepared to do whatever needs to be done to build a successful venture.
- Knowledge Seeker: You constantly search for information that is relevant to growing your business.
- Promoter: You are the best spokesperson for the business.
- Relationship-Builder: You have high social awareness and an ability to build relationships that are beneficial for the firm's survival and growth.
- Risk-Taker: You instinctively know how to manage high-risk situations.
While I agree with the 10 talents, I would argue that, with few exceptions, they are timeless and irrespective of economic considerations. When I think of admired entrepreneurs, Ford, Tom Watson, John Johnson, Steve Jobs, or Bill Gates, I am reminded of how focused they were on these talents, almost to a fault.
In the case of both Jobs and Gates, they far surpassed their original partners (Wozniak and Allen) in understanding and embracing the criticality of these talents. Ford, Thomas Watson, and John Johnson were pressing in on these talents in economical environments equally challenging to the conditions of our day.
I would change the conversation slightly and suggest that anyone who wants to be a success, regardless of the marketplace dynamics, has to understand, embrace, and utilize these talents.
The list runs counter to the "employee mentality" where you come to work, adapt to the standard operating procedures, collect a pay check, and stand in line for a promotion.
So the task is to step up to the plate, decide to be a "game changer", and see things not as they are but what they can become. Utilizing the 10 talents will be a key ingredient to success at whatever level you find yourself and regardless of the economic conditions.